
Bamboo Tube Cladding and Drilling – Bamboo Craft Techniques in Taiwan

Although bamboo furniture is widely available across Taiwan to Southeast Asia, the techniques behind it vary.

Compared to the bamboo species with solid bamboo stalks in Southeast Asia, almost all the bamboos in Taiwan have hollow tubes, which allows Taiwanese craftsmen to connect bamboo tubes using traditional techniques — cladding and drilling, used to create almost any piece of furniture from chairs, stools, cabinets, and even doors and windows from bamboos.


Keyword : 包管 / 竹管傢俱 / 鑿管


Mata Taiwan

mata 一詞來自古南島語言的 *maCa「眼睛」之意 —— Mata Taiwan 期望從台灣南島文化出發,和世界一起數位策展在地人文智慧。