作者 / Mata Taiwan




「綠色豐物生活展」於 4/20 - 4/25 在 SOGO 百貨忠孝館 12 樓舉行,集結來自全台各地的有機友善農夫與在地取材工藝師,兼顧環保、健康與美學。參展單位臺灣竹會更攜手日本設計師於現場辦理《職人的不在場證明》策展暨展售,數百年歷史的臺灣竹工藝技法化身「竹別紋」襯托出當代工藝師的設計美學與文化意涵。 More

Bamboo Tube Cladding and Drilling – Bamboo Craft Techniques in Taiwan


Bamboo Tube Cladding and Drilling – Bamboo Craft Techniques in Taiwan

Although bamboo furniture is widely available across Taiwan to Southeast Asia, the techniques behind it vary. More

Butterfly-shaped Rattangle – Bamboo Craft Techniques in Taiwan


Butterfly-shaped Rattangle – Bamboo Craft Techniques in Taiwan

A staple of Taiwanese bamboo crafts from the Japanese period to modern times, rattan can often be seen on the handles of all kinds of bamboo baskets in the form of a butterfly-shaped rattanlge, More

Star Weaving – Bamboo Craft Techniques in Taiwan


Star Weaving – Bamboo Craft Techniques in Taiwan

As the embodiment of modest luxury, star weaving — also called spider web weaving — is where hexagonal weaving meets plain weaving. More

Square Weaving – Bamboo Craft Techniques in Taiwan


Square Weaving – Bamboo Craft Techniques in Taiwan

The aesthetics of simplicity is never easy. More

Single-Circle Weaving – Bamboo Craft Techniques in Taiwan


Single-Circle Weaving – Bamboo Craft Techniques in Taiwan

Single circle weaving is one of only two round shape bamboo weaving techniques and thus has been traditionally widely adopted for lanterns and lamp covers.  More

Hexagonal Weaving – Bamboo Craft Techniques in Taiwan


Hexagonal Weaving – Bamboo Craft Techniques in Taiwan

Hexagonal weaving is a common bamboo weaving technique and at the same time the most varied in terms of applications, making it possible for a craftsman to freely combine different finishing styles and decors. It also features a good weight-bearing capacity. More

4/23-4/25 小時光竹藝教室 x 綠色豐物生活展 @ 遠東 SOGO 忠孝館


4/23-4/25 小時光竹藝教室 x 綠色豐物生活展 @ 遠東 SOGO 忠孝館

在忙碌繁雜的生活當中,有沒有一處能讓你靜靜的坐下,感受時光的流動和從無到有的感動?初春的四月,由臺灣竹會主辦的「小時光竹藝教室 x 輪口編花圈 x 平織玻璃杯」,將限時進駐「遠東 SOGO 忠孝 x 水花園有機農學市集」! More



A Complete Guide to Tainan Longci Light Festival (臺南龍崎光節–空山祭)

被網友譽為最美山林燈節的台南「龍崎光節.空山祭」,在開幕短短三天便湧入超過2萬人的人潮。這篇帶你攻略空山祭的每一處,看完就能開開心心去拍美照了! More



臺灣竹工藝產業的幕後推手 ── 顏水龍

臺灣竹產業在 1946-1969 年間,進入以手工藝為主的竹工藝產業發展期,產業的發展背後,除了美國萊特兄弟團隊的技術援助以及臺灣手工業推廣中心、中國生產力中心的成立以外,最重要的某一個人對工藝源源不絕的熱愛。 那個人,就是顏水龍。 More