
Star Weaving – Bamboo Craft Techniques in Taiwan

As the embodiment of modest luxury, star weaving — also called spider web weaving — is where hexagonal weaving meets plain weaving.

The technique involves shaping a central star in the background, with layers of bamboo strips running parallel to the edges of the main star, ultimately finished by folding the ends of the strips just like the petals of a flower.

破竹工作室/花茶詩 – 茶席壺承

保濟軒/竹X布 針包




Keyword : 星紋編 / 竹細工 / 竹編 / 蛛網編


Mata Taiwan

mata 一詞來自古南島語言的 *maCa「眼睛」之意 —— Mata Taiwan 期望從台灣南島文化出發,和世界一起數位策展在地人文智慧。